I need a hand to help me out in sorting how to rename them
Published on October 30, 2005 By nachol In Object Desktop
Hello everyone!
I have already downloaded a number of skins and themes, but even though I filed them under their corresponding folder, I'm not sure how to rename them, from *.zip to *.(what) hehe.
Is there a way to tell from the *.zip contents which is which?
Can I get a full list of the corresponding extensions? I have most every object desktop app installed, including (of course) windowblinds, desktopX, object dock, object bar, right click, icon packager, etc... the usual fantastic stuff!
Thank you all!

on Oct 30, 2005

You can find some of them here https://www.wincustomize.com/Forums.aspx?ForumID=187&AID=66020#696112

You can also avoid this issue by downloading following the instructions in this mini tutorial http://corkyo.wincustomize.com/Articles.aspx?SID=5463&AID=82563